islam indonesia

Das Magazin Reportage Won Real21 Media Prize

Congratulations to Paula Scheidt for winning Real21 Medienpreis (Real21 Media Prize) for the feature about Indonesian Islamic Boarding school title ‘Was Ist Ein Guter Muslim’ (What is a Good Muslim). The original feature was published earlier this year in Das Magazin

Although the award is for the writing, I am super happy to shot and worked alongside Paula for this piece. Assigned by Dorothea Fiedler from Studio Andreas Wellnitz.

XDas Magazin - Islam 03.jpg

Indonesian Hajj Scam Reportage for The Wall Street Journal

Recent work for The Wall Street Journal on First Travel scam, one of the biggest frauds in Indonesia’s history: $63 millions from nearly 60,000 victims.

Asmana, the streetside noodle seller portrayed on the cover, saved her earnings to pay a trip to Mecca. The agency took her money without booking her trip. 

Portrait of Asmanah and her husband in their rented boarding house.

Portrait of Asmanah and her husband in their rented boarding house.

Written by Anita Rachman.

Read the full story and see more photographs here.